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Late, late, late!

Photo by Andy Dawson ReidIt is my habit, at this time of year, to post to this journal selected images of verdurous nature – in particular in that form which it takes in our garden.  I do this, of course, to show off just how splendid is life in this balmy coastal paradise at the time of year at which spring bursts forth in all its glory.

The absence of such images this year is telling… telling mostly of the near six weeks for which parts of our estate were buried under a foot or two of snow.

Now, nature is no mug – having been around this loop any number of times in the past – and simply slammed on the brakes, burying its head (in a hideous clashing of metaphors) until such time as things warmed up again on the climate front.

Well – that time is now and all is thus once again kicking off as per usual – but it is, of course, now late, late, late

…and not only late: there is the distinct air of all of our growing things having taken a bit of a battering during that icy sojourn. No doubt all will recover in time but we really do need some nice sunshine to help things on their way, in place of the current cloudy/rainy/chilly weather that seems to have become a fixture here in recent days.

Ah well – ‘tis only April and these things often don’t pick up properly until May, the which they will doubtless do just in time for us to head for Europe. Ah well…

The dogwood and magnolia trees at least are in bloom and looking good!



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