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July 2024

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I normally restrain myself from posting too much to this forum on the subject of my musical endeavours with Anam Danu – out of deference for those who have no interest in such matters. However, there has already been much activity this year and it felt to me that an update was probably a little overdue.

I posted this item to the news feed on our website at anamdanu.com:


The recent lack of activity on this news feed should not be interpreted as a sign that nothing is happening. Anam Danu have been busy behind the scenes; with results that are already becoming apparent.

A quick glance around will reveal that the website itself has undergone a considerable face-lift. We like to think that it is now fresher, cleaner and somewhat easier to navigate. Do let us know what you think.

You will also observe that we three have recently done something that we had studiously avoided doing for the past four years – to wit: participating in a photo shoot. Such things do not come naturally to any of us, but we hope that you find the results helpful in gaining a clearer picture of who we are.

In our last news update – which revealed the arrival of our new member, vocalist Adrienne Dyer – we also announced that work was well underway on our fourth album, with an intended release date later in 2024.

Well – we are still on target for that release, having written and recorded ten tracks for the album. We are currently mixing and sequencing them, following which they will be sent for mastering. Cover artwork has been commissioned and the pace is picking up.

If you would like to be notified when the new album becomes available – which for subscribers will be in advance of the general release date – subscribe to the Anam Danu newsletter by using the link below.

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“There’s good random, and there’s bad random. There’s good silly and there’s bad silly, and you’ve gotta know the difference”.

Conan O’Brien

“I ride tandem with the random, things don’t run the way I planned them – in the humdrum”

Peter Gabriel – ‘Humdrum’

A few random thoughts and observations…

Close to home

When The Girl and I were planning our recent trip to Scotland we went looking for appropriate cultural events that might round out our visit to places and peoples. I had of late been doing quite a lot of reading on the subject of storytelling – and in particular of Celtic storytelling – so one of my focuses was very much on finding events along these lines.

Unfortunately it turned out that, because our trip was really quite early in the season, many such programmes were not yet up and running and we found ourselves drawing a blank.

As is the nature of such things, however, little sooner than we were back in Victoria than The Girl found an event at the Victoria Scottish Community Centre (the existence of which I was unaware) entitled ‘Stories of Scotland‘. Stand-up comedian and former physics teacher, Bruce Fummey, combines scabrous humour and a fascination with Scottish history to great effect – spinning yarns about the evolution of a peoples as revealed in their DNA. This was in itself quite a coincidence as I was just finishing Alistair Moffat’s book – ‘The Scots – a Genetic Journey‘ – the which I had purchased at the museum in Kilmartin Glen.

Small world!

Going Back to the Well

Whilst staying in The Girl’s brilliantly chosen Scottish AirBnBs and searching for some suitable evening viewing fare, we were able to re-acquaint ourselves with British TV. On Channel 4 we discovered that all seven series of ‘The West Wing‘ have been made available for streaming. As huge Aaron Sorkin fans it was a complete delight to start the whole oeuvre again from the top. We are still working our way through back here in Canada and have nearly reached the end of season 4.

I don’t think I need labour any points here regarding the quality of the writing, acting and direction that this ground-breaking series has to offer. Some will complain that it is unrealistic, naive, too liberal, sentimental, chauvinistic – yada yada yada… Don’t care!! This show delights in ways that most do not, moves us to  tears and to laughter – and rewards our time with the sheer joy of absorbing something brilliant. It is so good to be able to recharge the batteries thus…

Narrow Margins

There has been much debate over the years as to the feasibility of Lee Harvey Oswald having acting as a lone operator in the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. Leaving aside the wilder conjectures of conspiracy theorists, Oswald’s somewhat average record as a marksman in the Marine Corps and the less than ideal performance of the Italian Carcano Model 38 rifle shown to have been the murder weapon have long left doubts as to the physical possibility of his having carried out the assault in the time known to have been taken. Quite apart from such practicalities the pressures of the moment and of the act itself must be taken into account.

The reasons for this being on my mind now are, however, unrelated to the viability of the act itself. Instead I find myself pondering the consequences of the narrowness of margins. A mere inch either way might have resulted in all three shots missing (instead of just the one) or, perhaps, in inflicting only non-fatal injuries. How different might the world have been had Kennedy gone on to run for a second term.

By such small margins are the vagaries of history moulded.

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Beauty is everywhere a welcome guest.

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

A week or so back we had house guests – in the shape of one of The Girl’s cousins and a friend who had come to Victoria to walk the challenging West Coast Trail. We (The Girl!) picked them up from the airport on the first Saturday and dropped them at an ungodly hour on the Sunday morning (me!) at the Victoria Central Bus Station. The following weekend we met them from the bus on the Friday and spent the weekend with them before their return to Toronto.

Amongst other delights we enjoyed a splendid lunch at the Church and State vineyard, as a reward for the morning’s sun-drenched exploration of Butchart Gardens. Whereas I have certainly posted images from Butchart’s on a number of occasions it is my opinion that one can never have too many photos of natural beauty.


Photo by Andy Dawson ReidPhoto by Andy Dawson ReidPhoto by Andy Dawson ReidPhoto by Andy Dawson ReidPhoto by Andy Dawson ReidPhoto by Andy Dawson ReidPhoto by Andy Dawson ReidPhoto by Andy Dawson ReidPhoto by Andy Dawson ReidPhoto by Andy Dawson ReidPhoto by Andy Dawson Reid

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“Beyond the Wild Wood comes the Wide World,” said the Rat. “And that’s something that doesn’t matter, either to you or me. I’ve never been there, and I’m never going, nor you either, if you’ve got any sense at all.”

Kenneth Grahame – ‘The Wind in the Willows’

Today is the 4th July.

In the United Kingdom a General Election is taking place this very day which – should the pundits be anywhere near correct – will lead to a generational change in the governance of the country. Such changes by definition happen only rarely and there are those who believe that this one is long overdue.

I consider myself to be amongst that number.

Simultaneously (but without connection) in France President Macron has instigated a snap election which will this Sunday – unless an unlikely coalition contrives to prevent it – hand power for the first time to the hard right.

In the United States the presidential election has not yet begun, although it feels awfully much as though not only has it done so, but also that it may already be all over bar the shouting… and not in a positive direction.

The forth-coming election in Canada has not yet been called – and may not in fact happen until next year – but at the moment it looks as though Justin Trudeau’s Liberals will also lose out to the far right at whatever point the election takes place.

It would seem that we live in an age in which huge amounts of energy and (ill-gotten?) fortunes are being expended on dangerous political experiments and battles between cliques and cabals. Not since the end of the Second World War have we seen such re-alignments – or such struggles for domination between democracies and autocracies…

…and all of this at a time when – had we any sense at all – we would be pooling our resources to battle against the vastly greater threats to our continued existence on this planet!

It does make one wonder if we really deserve to have one…

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