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What just happened?

By ‘just‘, of course, I mean ‘over the last year‘ – this being my customary catch-up-at-year’s-end posting…

My post of last January 26th – entitled “Getting started” – contained the following good intentions for 2024: (progress reports in red!)

  • The pursuance of an extended visit to Scotland during April/May – including a stay in Edinburgh – a visit to the central highlands (whence originated my clan) – a sojourn on Orkney and another on Skye – and visits to Fort William and Oban on the west coast

…a glance back at the posts to this forum of April, May and June will furnish the gentle reader with all that he or she might wish to know about our splendid visit to the land of my forefathers

  • Continuance for my of teaching at the College – starting with a new course that I was busy preparing at the time of writing

…on this very day I have started teaching the new course again for the third time – now as a blended course. It would be good if the Chair of my department were to acknowledge the fact by arranging for me to be sent a contract!

  • Following the shortest ever retirement (minus two days!) The Girl was about to commence a new employ, the details of which I was not at that point at liberty to reveal

…as I write The Girl is a few weeks short of completing a year’s contract working for her First Nation, helping to set up a new family preservation service. The year has been both rewarding and difficult, not least because of the extensive amount of travel that she has been obliged to undertake (visiting previously un-experienced corners of British Columbia and beyond). She was offered a full-time post and promotion but has decided – for now – to revisit the world of retirement. For how long remains to be seen…

  • Planned further musical exploration on the part of Anam Danu  – with a view to expanding our number and preparing – at some point – to play live. We also anticipated the release of a new album at some point during 2024.

…now a three-piece (though presently looking to add a guitarist!) Anam Danu released their fourth album – “Euphoria” to considerable acclaim at the end of November. More on these exciting times as the year progresses

  • I also included this, slightly nervous, prediction:

“As ever at this time of the year there are many other exciting prospects bubbling under and – though there are also many very good reasons to feel nervous about 2024 – I like to approach the year under an umbrella of optimism.”

…one thing that I had not anticipated was being asked to take on the musical direction for a local theatre company’s pantomime – either side of Christmas – at the Mary Winspear in Sidney. I do not like to say ‘no’ to such proposals – so I didn’t! As I believe that all concerned consider the run to have been a considerable success, I am glad that I did not.

So much for 2024.

Keep your eyes open for the companion posting to this one in which I will hazard wild guesses as to what the new year could bring – and indeed to those things that we will do our damnedest to bring about.

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