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Birds of a feather

Are you one of those good people who find themselves mildly annoyed (or even a little nauseous!) when long-term couples regale all and sundry with overly eager descriptions of their togetherness – their single-mindedness – their soul-matedness – their inability not to finish each others…

…sandwiches! (joke courtesy of The Simpsons – May 1st 2005).

Should that be the case my advice would be to skip this post and go on to the next one (though you may need to wait a day or two for that one to appear).

This post is about one of those incidents. You have been warned…

A couple of weeks back I went into our local town – Sidney by the Sea – to purchase some comestibles. I suggested to The Girl before departing that – should anything that we had overlooked in our list-making occur to her whilst I was out – she should text or phone me to let me know. This is pretty much par for the course these days for us ‘old’ folks.

As I entered Sidney I recalled that I was in need of a particular dietary supplement. Since I would be passing close to a local health shop it would make sense to stop there and to purchase said item before continuing. This I duly did.

Whilst in the health food store I thought I had better have a scout around in case anything else occurred to me as being a missing essential. I came to a stop in front of the Golden Flax Seeds. Now, because I assist The Girl in the preparation of her daily smoothie I was aware that she was running short of this particular ingredient. Should I just get her some – or should I call her to check?

I chose the latter course (this is not my first rodeo!).

To my surprise The Girl did not pick up the phone. Hmmm! The best laid plans, etc. What to do?

I decided to send her a text. I opened the messaging app so to do only to discover that a new text message had just arrived… from her! It read, simply:

”Golden Flax Seed!”

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