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Kilmartin Glen

This post offers to the gentle reader (or viewer, for that matter) the final batch of images from our recent ‘progress’ around Scotland. Whilst staying for a few days in Connel – not far outside Oban on the west coast – we paid a visit (or re-visit in The Girl’s case) to the extraordinary historical site that is Kilmartin Glen. Rather than duplicate what others have written (doubtless in considerably more detail and certainly more stylishly than could I) I will simply pass on this link, the which will furnish all that need be known:

Kilmartin Glen

Here are some photographs:

As you will see (should you enlarge this image sufficiently that you can decipher the text) the Iron Age fort of Dunadd at the foot of the glen was the capital of the ancient kingdom of Dalriada. The stone of destiny – which can be found therein – was used in the ceremonies inaugurating the monarchs of Dalriada; the new king being ‘crowned’ by placing his foot into the imprint.


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