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Life in BC

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Photo by Andy Dawson Reid“Either you take in believing in miracles or you stand still like the hummingbird.”

Henry Miller

The recent spell of icy weather and concomitant snowfall has made us once again even more aware of our tiny avian friends – the hummingbirds.

Now – hummingbirds are migratory creatures… except when they aren’t!

Every year each of the many species of hummingbird summons up its minuscule amount of energy and sets off on the oft-thousand mile journey to Latin America (lucky things!)… except when they don’t!

The exceptions are the Anna’s Hummingbirds – common and much loved on the west coast of the North American continent – which seemingly can’t make up their mind if they are migratory or not!

Now – many folk who put out feeders for these beautiful but tiny birds will pack them away in the autumn – not to be in demand again until the following spring. Not so those of us who have Anna’s for company. We have to keep up the nectar production year round (unless the birds decide that this year they really will fly south).

There are some who say that the reason that Anna’s have become confused as to their species characteristics is that they have been so fooled by all these year round feeders providing them with quick shots of energy that they don’t get the message that it is time to head south. In other words – it is all our fault for feeding them.

Photo by Andy Dawson ReidOthers say that this is an urban myth – that hummingbirds know when it is time to fly by the diminishing daylight hours and that it would make no difference if we fed them or not. These knowledgeable folk point out that hummingbirds are a lot hardier than we think they are, that they are quite capable of feeding themselves through the winter on insects and grubs living in the bark of trees and that when it gets really cold they slow their heartbeats right down and enter a state of torpor (no jokes please!).

Either way round tender-hearted folk such as we try to provide nectar for the Anna’s throughout. This entails bringing the feeders in at night and even – when it is particularly cold – every few hours during the day so that they can thaw out again.

On very cold days I will frequently find one of these tiny creatures sitting in a bush below the hook outside our kitchen window on which I hang one of the feeders. If they are very hungry they may make a dart for the feeder even as I am trying to get it onto the hook. At other times the bird will just sit un-moving below the feeder, making no attempt to drink from it. It is not that the bird is too weak to fly up to the feeder; it is, rather, watching out for competitors. Should another bird get anywhere near to the feeder our tiny friend will chase it away vigorously, before returning once again to its perch.

Many people love hummingbirds, but I do wonder if those of us for whom they were only ever exotic and mysterious creatures from another world don’t do so with a particular fervour.

Photo by Andy Dawson Reid

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…and washed the snow away.

But not before we went for a walk in a very snowy Centennial Park in Saanichton.

Just a few snaps – which were not that easy to take given that I was wearing two pairs of gloves to protect my aging hands against the icy wind-chill. Walking is fine; standing still is a mistake!

Photo by Andy Dawson Reid Photo by Andy Dawson Reid Photo by Andy Dawson Reid Photo by Andy Dawson Reid Photo by Andy Dawson Reid

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That’s odd!…

Photo by Andy Dawson ReidHmmm!

Yesterday I posted some photos of the recent snowfall here on the Saanich peninsula in BC. Anyone who accesses this blog directly will have been able to view them as expected.

I am extremely fortunate in that there are also a decent number of good folk out there who subscribe to these meanderings and thus receive the latest updates routinely by email. The digest that was sent out automatically yesterday – however – for some reason contained no content at all (I send myself a copy just to ensure that all is working smoothly and I too was the recipient of an empty message).

I am sending this post to check that all is in fact well – and I offer my apologies to anyone who sat scratching their heads after yesterday’s episode, wondering what the heck was going on.

This also gives me a chance to post a couple of further photos taken this morning after yet another night of snow. I am just waiting for the flakes to stop falling so that I can go out and clear our drive (once again!).

I should also take this opportunity to correct an egregious error in yesterday’s post. The Girl pointed out – in the strongest possible terms – that I made myself look like an idiot my miss-spelling ‘tuke‘. It is – of course –  ‘tuque‘… or ‘touque‘… or ‘toque‘…

…but definitely not ‘tuke‘!


Photo by Andy Dawson Reid

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In my last post I promised further and better snow images – should the Arctic Outflow oblige by providing the requisite white stuff as it threatened to do. Yesterday evening it duly delivered. Herewith the evidence:

Photo by Andy Dawson ReidPhoto by Andy Dawson ReidPhoto by Andy Dawson ReidPhoto by Andy Dawson ReidThe inclement weather produced by the outflow led to a number of record low temperatures across the province, a notion which – given that large tracts of Canada are already notorious for bitterly cold winters – should cause the mind to boggle somewhat. Fortunately the worst of these records were set in parts of British Columbia to which right minded folk do not venture, should they be able at all to avoid so doing. Here in Victoria we reached a mere -5C yesterday – though the wind chill factor dropped that to a much less balmy -13C.

Photo by Andy Dawson ReidThe Girl and I went for a swift walk around our neighbourhood yesterday and that gave me an opportunity to try out what has already become a favourite amongst her Christmas gifts to me – this fetching and most excellent tuke (for non-Canadians a tuke is a beanie!). This thing is awesomely warm which is clearly achieved by the appliance of some wonder of science or other… or possibly of magic. Either way it is a life (and ear) saver when the temperatures dip below -10C.

Photo by Andy Dawson Reid


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One of the dubious ‘pleasures’ of ‘getting on a bit’ – and in particular if one takes a diuretic (for hypertension or suchlike) – is that it is much harder to sleep through the night. The call of nature is loud, clear and impossible to ignore.

Thus it was that I was up at 4:00am this morning, availing myself of the facilities!

I had just got back to bed and was drifting off into much appreciated slumber when – all of a sudden – I heard through the quiet of the night a rapidly growing bass rumble. I felt the bed move under me as the crescendo ended in a loud-ish thump and all manner of things on walls and in cupboards rattled vigorously. Then all was at once quiet again.

In my sleep be-fuddled state two thoughts made it though to my consciousness. The first was that a truck had hit the front of the house; unlikely because it was the middle of the night and we live in a place where trucks are not wont to go. The second thought was that there had been an earthquake!

Now – one’s first response to such an eventuality is meant to be to leap from one’s bed and to take shelter underneath some well-reinforced structure. My first thought was to grab my iThing and to look up ‘earthquake‘ on Google. There it was – within 30 seconds of the thing occurring – an entry much like that at the top of this jotting.

Goodness me…” – thought I – “that’s jolly efficient!

I guess I really should do some more work on my priorities.

It has been more than six years now since we moved to the part of the Pacific Rim that forms the North Cascadian subduction zone – one of the well-known hot-spots for tremors that make up this part of the ‘Ring of Fire’. I figured that at some point I would experience a quake – even if it were a small one like this (for those who wish to know the details this one registered 3.6 on the Richter scale, with the epicentre some 10 miles beneath Galliano Island – about 15 miles north-west of us here. To The Girl – who is, naturally, an old hand at such things – it was hardly worth waking up for. To me it was an experience…

…which – having had – I wouldn’t mind not having again!

By a strange co-incidence this quake occurred on the same night that a very different (metaphorical!) quake shook the folks back in good old Blighty! I am referring, of course, to the Liberals defeating the Tory candidate in the North Shropshire by-election… which seat had been held by the Tories for more than two hundred years! As a judgement on the performance, record, behaviour and character of Prime Minister Johnson I find it hugely encouraging that the electorate has finally spoken with such eloquence and clarity.

Let us have much more of the same, say I…

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I am still sometimes caught out by the differences that I find living in a new land. Mostly such surprises are positive, but in times of stress and difficulty they may be less so.

When it comes to sudden and excessive rainfall (and any concomitant flooding and damage) you might think that a native of Great Britain would be pretty much inured to any eventuality. We are all too familiar with the possible outcomes and take such things in our stride. Further,  Canada is a huge country which is full of outsized natural features. There is a sense of solidity that suggests that the land (and its people) can handle anything that is thrown at it. Looks can sometimes be deceptive.

I was taken aback by just how quickly and easily Vancouver and other parts of BC were sundered from the remainder of the country by the Atmospheric River in which we have of late bathed. Other implications did not register at all.

When I set off for College last Wednesday – after the rains had ceased – I idly noted that I would need to get some petrol (gas) on the way home. As I drove down the peninsula on the Pat Bay Highway I found myself wondering why there was such a long queue of cars on the opposite carriageway tailing back from the first gas station there. Following a comedy cartoon moment the truth landed like a lead balloon. They were panic buying!

Sure enough it rapidly became clear that the only gas stations not to be inundated by desperate motorists were those that had already run out of gas. It turns out that all of Victoria’s petrol arrives by tanker down the Trans Canada Highway from the direction of Nanaimo – or it did until half of the Malahat Drive was washed away. I was forced to call upon The Girl to meet me after my class and to bring me the jerry can that we keep full of gas for our lawn mower, so that I could make it safely home.

The next problem was – of course – how to get some more petrol over the next few days. The police quickly started escorting convoys of tankers across the remaining Malahat carriageway after  the road was closed for the evening repairs, so we had to keep an ear to the ground as to where deliveries were being made. One station in Sidney had a delivery but by the time I got there there was already a queue of more than a hundred cars.

I swapped into The Girl’s Mazda to go shopping but as I reached our local grocery store I saw another tanker pulling up at the adjacent station. I scurried back home to get the Lexus and – after a relatively brief wait in the queue – came away with a tankful; the which should last for couple of weeks…

…which is a good thing because gas stations are now rationing gas, limiting motorists to thirty litres on any fill up.

We are hearing reports of shortages of other essential goods and foodstuffs also, though thus far we have not been inconvenienced. The forecasts are for further heavy rains in days to come, however, so we must continue to be on our toes.

Never a dull moment here in the ‘new’ world!

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Weather update

Monday’s post – whilst touching on a serious subject – did so in a manner which might, on reflection, seem to some to be a little on the flippant side.

When I wrote that post I had certainly been looking at some of the images from the interior of BC and checking in on the news coverage – but there had at that stage been no reports of injuries and certain none of fatalities.

A day and more later the situation is slowly becoming clearer and the extent of the flooding and damage to property and to the transport infrastructure is becoming more apparent.

There have also – of course – now been the first reports of fatalities and of missing persons. The tone of this post is accordingly considerably more sombre and our thoughts and best wishes go out to those affected.

British Columbia has come in for yet another climate related battering. Mud slides and washouts on major routes have effectively shut Vancouver off from anywhere further east in Canada. We watched the news reports come in as each of the major routes was cut one by one. Some of the damage is significant and will take many months to repair.

The lower Fraser valley at Abbotsford is badly flooded and there have been many evacuations in that area. On Monday the entire town of Merritt was evacuated as the flood waters rose. Those who are familiar with Merritt will understand entirely how this happened. Merritt lies in a bowl surrounded by mountains and the runoff from two days of rain had nowhere else to go.

Victoria was cut off from the rest of Vancouver Island on Monday as the Highway 1 route over the Malahat mountain was flooded. A single lane has since been reopened but it will take a week of night-time closures for the damage to the formation to be repaired sufficient to re-open the whole road.

We are blessed here on the peninsula. There had been no shortage of surface water in our neck of the woods (it runs off Mount Newton behind us) but the water cascades down the slopes in all directions and into the sea – so within 24 hours most local routes were once again navigable.

For these small mercies we are infinitely grateful.


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Weird weather

Photo by Andy Dawson ReidIs it really – I wonder – an inevitable effect of apparently unavoidable climate change… or does the west coast of Canada just suffer from wacky weather as a matter of course?

I ask because – as gentle readers may (or may not) recall – back in the summer we here in British Columbia suffered the most unpleasant and tragic effects of a ‘Heat Dome‘.

I will be completely honest here – I had never heard of a Heat Dome. As a climatic phenomenon it was a complete unknown. As it turned out I would have been happy to have made it through this existence without ever having encountered such a beast.

Why do I bring this up now? Because as I write we are heading towards (hopefully) the tail end of another weather phenomenon of which I have never heard. This one is called an ‘Atmospheric River’.

A what!?!

What the heck is an Atmospheric River? Well – Wikipedia can, of course, give us all the details – and here they be! To be honest, however, you will not really need to read up on this unpleasantness to have a good guess at what such a thing entails. It is wet… very wet… and it is in the atmosphere – until it falls on your head!

So – since sometime yesterday morning the rain has been hammering down pretty much constantly – and doing so with the sort of fierce determination that ‘gets things done’ (in this case flooding, mud slides, road closures, accidents and so forth). We have essentially been living on the inside of a cloud for the last forty eight hours and it is getting difficult to tell where the cloud ends and we begin. The situation is what might best be described as… wait for it… fluid!

Anyway – I have to drive down to College later to deliver a class and I am not really looking forward to that too much. it may be a bit of a hazardous journey.

Wish me luck!


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Lucky break

Even during the wettest autumns there usually comes the occasional bright interlude. An alternative to getting out into the garden to slog one’s way through the many outstanding tasks there is to go for a nice walk instead.

To Gowlland Tod for example:

Photo by Andy Dawson ReidPhoto by Andy Dawson ReidPhoto by Andy Dawson ReidPhoto by Andy Dawson ReidPhoto by Andy Dawson ReidPhoto by Andy Dawson Reid

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Final cut…

…of the year?

It is quite a responsibility – owning an expanse of lawn – and I am not at all sure that I am qualified for the job. Certainly I have discovered that I am far better at growing moss and mushrooms than I am at tending grass… and I am not sure that that is anything about which to brag.

This is a crucial time of the year for us lawn owners in the Pacific North West. If the grass is to get its best chance for next year then it must be tended correctly now. Nervous lawn guardians who lack the necessary knowledge (that would be me) naturally turn to the InterwebNet for advice and guidance.

The InterWebNet is agreed upon the following. Winter preparation involves a final close cut, clearance of leaves and other detritus, the addition of lime (almost always necessary here in the damp northwest where the firs and pines do their level best to swing the soil balance to the acid end of the spectrum) and then some slow-release fertilization to ensure that the grass has something on which to chew when it reawakens in the spring.

Most helpful – except that as soon as one tries to dig a little deeper – to get into the details – the advice becomes less certain.

When should one carry out the final cut? Some give vague guidance derived from the phases of the moon. The more down to earth say: “When the grass stops growing”. That’s all well and good in theory, but ascertaining that something is not happening is considerably more difficult than that it is. “What do you think? Has it stopped?” – “Dunno – looks like it might be about to have another spurt“.

Then there is the question of sequencing. Does one cut and clear before applying treatments? Should the liming occur before the fertilizing – or is it the other way around? Or can they be done at the same time? And if not, how long should one wait between treatments?

Apparently (according to the InterWebNet) the answer to all of these question is “Yes“… or “No“… or even “Maybe!“…  Or – most helpfully of all – “It depends!“…

None of this would matter too much except that this is wet season on the west coast of Canada. It is also ‘First storms of the winter‘ season. It is also ‘The sun’s shining – better get out in the garden – what shall we do first – oh no! too late – here comes the next downpour!‘ season.

It is little wonder that some years some of this stuff simply doesn’t get done. I’m not doing too badly this year. The lawn has had two final cuts already (“I hadn’t finished!“) and been limed. Autumn fertilizer awaits – as do other important garden tasks (clearing the gutters – cleaning up the last bunch of crap that was blown out of the trees) but at the moment the rain is mounting a major offensive. Who knows when next I will get the chance to venture forth onto the estate.

I will probably keep you posted…

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