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We have arrived at the time of year that most self-respecting Canadians are putting the finishing touches to their Christmas decorations (mostly public-facing… unlike us shy and retiring Brits) and settling in to await the feast itself. Mind you, some of our neighbours started constructing their displays the very moment that they had packed away the last of the Halloween decorations; I guess on the principle that the show must… you know… go on!

The Girl nobly puts up with my seasonal cavils and my demands that nothing Christmas related should be addressed before the first of December (with the honourable exception, for obvious reasons, of the purchase of the Advent calendar – for those who go in for such things).

Now, once December is here, the first Christmas related item on my agenda is usually the sending of Christmas cards, the which (given that a fair number of them are headed for Blighty) must needs be tackled as soon as possible after the turn of the month if they are to stand a chance of arriving in time for the big day.

…and that is, of course, where Mr Sod and his eponymous law – comes into play.

Yup! The postal workers at Canada Post went on strike some  three weeks ago now and currently show no signs of backing down from their demands.

So – here’s the quandary. If we set about writing, addressing and posting our greetings there is a very good chance that (assuming we can actually post them at all) they will simply join the gazillions of already posted screeds – none of which is likely to make it through until Easter – or thereabouts.

Now, the strike could be resolved at any second, of course, but the worry is that it is already too late to make a difference as far as Christmas is concerned. Should we be wise virgins we should probably resort immediately to online cardage this year – whilst being cognisant of the fact that a number of folks whose addresses we have are an unknown quantity in the online arena.

I guess we just have to do the best we can.

Of course, this all takes no account of those operating in the opposite direction. Since many such will have no idea that Canada Post in on strike they will simply and happily post their festive greetings, unaware that they these will probably simply be tossed onto some huge card mountain – never to be seen again.

What to do? What to do? How will we make it through in the face of all these first-world problems?

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Original image from <a href="https://www.rawpixel.com/search/carol%20m.%20highsmith?sort=curated&amp;page=1">Carol M. Highsmith</a>’s America, Library of Congress collection. Digitally enhanced by rawpixel.This post has been a few weeks coming.

The recent period has proved emotionally tough for many of us – for reasons that will be obvious to all – and the thought of getting down to compose this difficult and bittersweet missive has caused me to succumb to procrastination. It is, however, something that I really do want to do – so here goes:

Back in the autumn of 2015 – the year that The Girl and I moved to Canada – we attended a musical event at a venue in downtown Victoria. This occurrence was particularly notable for three reasons: First: we had not seen (or heard) this particular musical combination before –  though The Girl was already familiar with the work of some of the constituent members. Second: we made a good friend that evening with whom we still  enjoy getting together nearly a decade on.

Third: I made no reference at all to the event within the pages of this online journal!

Well!”… you may say. “That is hardly surprising. You had, after all, just moved into your new home and there was much else about which to write“.

That may be true – but should be set against the fact that since then we have attended what was actually an annual charitable music event every single year – and on each occasion I have recorded the event in this blog (sometimes more than once!). This I have done because we so loved the evenings – the which have acted throughout as a joyous starting gun for the run in to the Christmas season.

I refer – of course – to the magnificent Barney Bentall’s Cariboo Express – concerning which I have waxed lyrical on many an occasion.

This year’s four night stint at the Mary Winspear in Sidney by the Sea took place just a few weeks back – and once again our hearts were filled with strong emotions.

But, hang on” … you cry. “You made mention of ‘bittersweet. What’s up?

Well – The Girl and I may have boarded the Cariboo Express annually for the last nine years, but Barney and his clan have been touring this charitable show every autumn for the last twenty years. They have somewhat reluctantly decided that – owing to ill heath and other complexities – this should be the final tour. To say that this breaks our hearts a little is no exaggeration. Tears were shed on the night that we attended and – I am sure – in equal measure at the other shows also.

We are really going to miss this beloved event and shout out a grateful “Thank you” to all those who have brought us such joy and pleasure over the years. You will all be missed.

I would feel moved to quote Joni Mitchell:

Don’t it always seem to go
That you don’t know what you’ve got ’til it’s gone

…except that – in this case – I think we did know!


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<a href="https://sketchplanations.com/optimism-bias" target="_blank">"Optimism bias"</a> is licensed under <a href="http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0" target="_blank">CC BY-NC 4.0</a>“Man’s fatal flaw is misplaced optimism.”

Allan Wolf, ‘The Watch That Ends the Night’

In November of 2016 I wrote a post to this forum in response to the seismic events of that year… the which, of course, included the decision by the United Kingdom to depart from the European Union – and the unexpected (by many) election to the US Presidency of the orange weirdo!

I closed that post with the following:

What has transpired this year has been a massive wake-up call. In neither the UK nor the US can politics carry on being ‘business as usual’. That model is broken. What now needs urgently to happen is that the centre and the left of centre must start over and build themselves completely afresh – learning not only from what has happened, but also from how and why it happened. This represents a huge opportunity – such perhaps as has not been presented since the end of the second world war. And – concerning that prospect – I feel optimistic“.

You can be pretty certain that – when I scribbled (typed!) that screed I could not have imagined in my wildest fantasies that the madman across the water who was then about to enter the White House would again be poised so to do eight years hence. Or that what in 2016 looked to all the world to be a terrible and potentially calamitous error of judgment on the part of the US electorate now transpires to be an wilful expression of the darkest desires of the majority thereof.

Few of us could have dreamt of the frankly inconceivable sequence of events that has occurred over this late period, and that has led us to this point. I am shocked that we find ourselves in a position regarding which the paragraph that I wrote in 2016 could – and perhaps must – be written again entire…

…though perhaps without the concluding “I feel optimistic“…

Can we really not do better than this?

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Quincy Jones

1933 – 2024


"This work" by David Shankbone is in the Public Domain, CC0Quite possibly the greatest and most gifted record producer of the age.

Definitely irreplaceable…

From the many, many obituaries and retrospectives published since his passing, this piece from the Guardian seems to me to illustrate best the sheer breadth and depth of Quincy’s talent.

Rest in peace.


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This news item appeared recently on the Anam Danu website:

Siobhan and Andy of Anam Danu have written, recorded, and self-released three original albums over the past five years.  Back in 2023, they decided to focus on growing their creative partnership.  They enjoy being in the studio, but like many musicians, they know that performing live is the true test of their music.

They realized that the music they create as a duo often needs more musicians to perform it live.  Over the last year and a half, they searched for other artists who could help bring their ambitious work to life.  In late 2023, they met Adrienne Dyer, whose beautiful soprano voice added a powerful element to their music.  Together they started to create fresh tracks for a new album.  

Euphoria explores what it means to be a mature adult in today’ s challenging times.  It includes songs about storytelling and creativity, the value of long-term friendships, teaching and learning, the search for our roots, and the important choices we make as we grow older.

Most importantly, it highlights the need for joy.

Siobhan, Adrienne and Andy are particularly grateful to Mairéad for her gorgeous and striking cover art, which encapsulates the essence of the album perfectly.

Euphoria” will be available for streaming and download from November 22nd. 

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“Now Autumn’s fire burns slowly along the woods and day by day the dead leaves fall and melt”.

William Allingham

Autumn (Fall) is a time to walk and to talk and to think – and to start to make plans.

It is also a time to take photos of nature’s bounty:

Photo by Andy Dawson ReidPhoto by Andy Dawson ReidPhoto by Andy Dawson ReidPhoto by Andy Dawson ReidPhoto by Andy Dawson ReidPhoto by Andy Dawson ReidPhoto by Andy Dawson ReidPhoto by Andy Dawson ReidPhoto by Andy Dawson Reid

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(See what I did there?….)

Having a vista from one’s windows is a huge bonus and a blessing. Some folk prefer to live in the valleys (for protection one assumes) – other folk like to live on the hill (and thus be able to identify approaching threats). Of course, the latter option does also provide the dreamers amongst us with plenty of food for thought!

‘Anywho’ – (defined by the Urban Dictionary as: “An extremely annoying misuse of the word ‘anyhow’. Generally used by people who think they’re being clever“. Naturally, that just makes me want to use it!!) – this is simply a preamble to sharing some recent vistas as viewed from our casements.

You might want to double-click on these to get the full effect…


Photo by Andy Dawson ReidPhoto by Andy Dawson ReidPhoto by Andy Dawson ReidPhoto by Andy Dawson ReidPhoto by Andy Dawson ReidPhoto by Andy Dawson Reid

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This year saw the ninth anniversary of The Girl’s return to and my arrival in Canada. It further marks the start of my third year as a Canadian citizen.

It hardly seems possible that so much time has passed so quickly!

This week just passed marked yet another milestone; this being the first time that I was eligible to vote in an election here. Back in the UK quite a lot of folks (such as those from Commonwealth countries) are eligible to vote as long as they are residents in the UK. The Girl used to take advantage of this before she was granted her UK citizenship.

In Canada one has to be a citizen before one can vote in federal elections – hence my inability to do so until recently.

Anyway – I can now so do…

This current election is a provincial ballot and we here in British Columbia are – like so many others in the world – struggling to keep the nefarious tories at bay. This means voting!

In our neck of the woods we can vote early, so we trotted down to the polling station a week in advance of the final tally. On arrival I announced to all and sundry that this was my first Canadian election. The jolly lady there immediately sourced me a ‘first time voter’ sticker (just like being a teenager again!) which you can see adorning my voting card in the photo attached to this missive.

Voting here is quite slick. One takes one’s voting card and photo ID to the dude at the desk and one is ticked off the list in the prescribed manner and given a voting slip and a stiff plastic (or card – I forget which) sleeve. Having annotated the slip appropriately one inserts it into the sleeve – so that it can’t be read by others – and feeds it into the tallying machine. The machine sucks the paper out of the sleeve (which can then be recycled) and tallies the vote as it digests the slip.

All done and dusted, counted and ready to go. Most efficient and no loopholes for any possible suggestion of impropriety – though heaven for-fend that any such thing might be though even possible here north of the border.

And that’s how you do it, chaps!

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I posted this update on progress towards the release of the new Anam Danu album – ‘Euphoria‘ – on the Anam Danu website. For completeness I thought I would reproduce it here:


Progress continues toward the release of the new Anam Danu album – ‘Euphoria’.

The ten chosen tracks have been polished and given final mixes and the whole sent off to our mastering studio of choice – CPS Mastering in Vancouver. Brock McFarlane (who has mastered all of the Anam Danu albums thus far) has now sent us the first mastered copies and we are in the process of listening intensely in as many environments as we can – preparatory to signing off the album and sending it to our distributors and CD manufacturer.

We also now have the cover art for the release. Those who have followed Anam Danu’s exploits will know that we like to commission local artists to create the cover for each release. In this case the wonderful artwork that can be seen on this page is by Alberta artist – Mairéad – who has, in our view, captured the intent of the album perfectly.

Of Mairéad Siobhan writes:

“Mairéad is a multidisciplinary artist and designer based in Alberta, Canada.  She expresses her art in paint and textiles.  As a visual artist, she creates vibrant multi-media paintings and collage.  Her love of detail, color and texture is evident in her one-of-a-kind unisex handbags, backpacks and wallets.  She is an expert knitter whose cable-knit outerwear is beautiful and expertly made.   Mairéad creates custom dog sweaters and jackets that are both stylish and playful.  She is passionate about interior design and customizes existing pieces through upholstery, refinishing and fabric furnishings”.


Not long to wait now! I will post the release dates for ‘Euphoria’ just as soon as they have been confirmed.

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Dame Maggie Smith

1934 – 2024


Kebl0597, CC BY-SA 2.5 <https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.5>, via Wikimedia CommonsThe British thespian profession has always punched well above it’s weight – from the secularisation of drama that followed the Reformation onward. This extraordinary tide has shown no sign of abating; long may the trend continue.

In recent times the Brits have furnished the dramatic universe with an abundance of fierce talents, particularly when it comes to those great ladies of the dramatic arts. We have been blessed with more than our fair share of ‘national treasures’.

Sadly, this weekend saw the passing of one of the greatest of those treasures – the brilliant Dame Maggie Smith. I saw her first many decades back in the film adaptation of the Muriel Spark novel – ‘The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie‘ – in which she was, naturally, excellent. That has been the case, of course, with pretty much everything to which she turned her hand.

In the few days since her passing much has already been written in her praise. Rather than re-hash any of these eulogies here I recommend that you search out some such. The Guardian obit would be a good place to start.

Dame Maggie Smith will surely be most sadly missed by us all.

Rest in peace.

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