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Roberta Flack

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Roberta Flack

1937 – 2025


<a href="https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/5/52/Roberta_Flack43.JPG" target="_blank">"Roberta Flack43"</a> by <a href="https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/User:Teddyyy" target="_blank"> Roland Godefroy</a>

Regulars on these pages will be familiar with the occasional but still all too frequent tombstones that mark the passing of those iconic figures who have been a part of all of our lives for so many years; whose passing leaves the world a smaller and sadder place.

It is not really for me to eulogise; there are many others far more qualified than I so to do and – save for that small number of heroes and heroines for whom I felt a particular closeness – I avoid so doing. It still feels important, however, to mark each occasion and to acknowledge that significant and far from inconsequential dimming of the light that each represents.

Were Roberta Flack renowned only for “The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face” and “Killing Me Softly With His Song” she would still be considered as one of the most significant soul/R & B voices of the past half century and more. Should the gentle reader inhabit any part of this beleaguered globe that is not familiar with the oeuvre of Ms. Flack I recommend this obituary in The Guardian as a reasonable place to bring your education up to date.

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