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Two things occupied our time on the first full day of our recent visit to Vancouver.

The first was a visit to the Vancouver Convention Centre to view the ‘Imagine Van Gogh‘ exhibition, the which is described by the promoters – appropriately in our view – as an ‘immersive’ exhibition. This event has popped up in various places in North America and in all probability in other parts of the world also. We enjoyed it – particularly as one is able to see detail of the genius’s work in extreme close-up. I took these photos, which should give some idea of the scale of the thing. Do click on the images to see them on the largest possible scale…

Photo by Andy Dawson ReidPhoto by Andy Dawson ReidPhoto by Andy Dawson ReidPhoto by Andy Dawson ReidPhoto by Andy Dawson ReidPhoto by Andy Dawson ReidPhoto by Andy Dawson ReidPhoto by Andy Dawson ReidIn the evening The Girl and I dined at a rather lovely bar/bistro called ‘Tableau’. Though a week in advance of the actual date we had decided to treat this as our anniversary dinner and duly indulged ourselves in a thoroughly decent bottle of Chablis. The evening was considerably enhanced by the excellent service (and the complimentary fizz) provided in particular by the restaurant manager/sommelier who hails – as it turns out – from Chalfont St. Peter – a village within about five miles of where we used to live in South Buckinghamshire in the UK.

We thoroughly recommend Tableau should you find yourself in Vancouver.

Photo by Andy Dawson Reid

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I have not of late had much opportunity to take photographs with my new camera (new this year!) other than in our garden or on walks in the locality. This is, of course, one of the many side effects of the pandemic. On our recent long weekend break in Vancouver I determined that I would rectify this and duly snapped away to my heart’s content. The results should offer a visual record of our few days away.

The best way to get to Vancouver from our home on Vancouver Island is to take the ferry from Swartz Bay (but a stone’s throw from where we live) to Tsawwassen on the mainland and then to drive into the centre of the city from there. This is not the only possible route but it is the most efficient.

The ferry journey takes only around 90 minutes but is a particularly pretty crossing, passing as it does through the Gulf Islands. At about the halfway point the ferry route passes through a narrow and fast flowing tidal passage, between Galiano and Mayne Islands, which is called Active Pass. At this point the ferry crosses the equivalent sailing going in the opposite direction, but I have of late noticed that it also coincides with other smaller ferries serving the Gulf Islands themselves.

Here we are in a dance with three other ferries in Active Pass:

Photo by Andy Dawson ReidPhoto by Andy Dawson ReidAs I described in my last post, The Girl had found for us a splendid 23rd floor apartment at Carmana Plaza in Coal Harbour which is not only extremely comfortable and well equipped but which also has excellent views of the West End and English Bay:

Photo by Andy Dawson ReidPhoto by Andy Dawson ReidPhoto by Andy Dawson ReidPhoto by Andy Dawson ReidThe first day on leave was inevitably much occupied with travel, settling in and eating, but we did also have the opportunity to get a little shopping in. This example (replenishing my much loved Molton Brown hand-wash at Holt Renfrew) gave me the opportunity to play with another acquisition – a new macro lens that I picked up on the way into Vancouver.

Photo by Andy Dawson ReidPhoto by Andy Dawson ReidPhoto by Andy Dawson ReidPretty neat, huh?

More pictures next time…

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Photo by Andy Dawson Reid“Vancouver is the square root of negative one. Technically it shouldn’t exist, but it does. I can’t imagine living anywhere else.”

Douglas Coupland

It is but two weeks since The Girl and I left  Vancouver Island for the first time in over a year for our rapid-fire visit to Kamloops – and yet here we are again already… away from our island home.

It is the pandemic – of course – that has kept us on the island until very recently, but we are both now fully vaccinated and the relaxation of the BC lockdown has enabled us to take some very careful steps back into the outside world.

The trip to Kamloops did not go quite as we had originally planned. We had intended to stay there for several nights, encompassing the event for which we had gone. As things turned out the fresh wild-fire at Sun Peaks overnight on the Saturday filled the valley in which Kamloops nestles with thick smoke on the Sunday morning, forcing us soft coastal dwellers to beat a hasty retreat back to the island. This meant two consecutive days of pretty heavy driving and our arriving back on the peninsula not until around 10:00pm.

The Kamloops trip came up fairly late on, but we had already planned a long-weekend away in the City of Glass – Vancouver – as a sort of ‘welcome back to the world’ – given that we knew that we would not be travelling further afield this year. The idea was to have a relaxing city break – to re-meet old friends and family with whom we have not been able to connect of late – to wine and dine ourselves and – mayhap – to take in a little culture.

I am writing this on the Saturday evening in the 23rd floor suite that The Girl (to whom I inevitably leave these important decisions) found for us in Coal Harbour in Vancouver, overlooking the West End and English Bay. I have the camera with me and have been making liberal use of it. I will regale you with the results and details of what we got up to once we are back home next week.

So – welcome (carefully) indeed back to the world…


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This year and more in lockdown (or even semi-lockdown) has been a strange time in so many ways. We have become accustomed to a completely different rhythm of life and some of the things that we used to take for granted seem now to belong to such a distant past that we can scarce remember them.

It has been such a long time since we ventured outside a relatively small area at the southern tip of Vancouver Island that it feels almost as though the rest of the world has ceased to exist other than through the TV (or other electronic device) screen… which never quite feels real.

And yet…

Of late, something in Canada (and doubtless elsewhere) has shifted. A significant number of us are now fully vaccinated and here in BC things have started opening up again. Many stores no longer require masks to be worn (they merely recommend it) and the directional arrows on their floors have started to disappear. In our local store the dividers that we once used at the checkouts (to prevent our shopping fraternizing with anyone else’s) have made a re-appearance for the first time since March last year.

I am beginning to think about teaching in the lecture room again in the Fall and all of those entertainments and enticements that have been closed down throughout the pandemic are starting to re-emerge blinking into the daylight.

And now – here I am writing this post in Kamloops – an hour and a forty minutes on the ferry and a four and a half hour drive from our home on the island!

Wow! How (and why) did that happen?

Well – for that you will have to await our return on Monday. I will explain all once we are back home…

Back in the saddle? Well – certainly trying it out for size again…

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Well, here we are at the end of this short retrospective – one year on – of our 2019 trip to the UK and Greece. The Girl and I had a wonderful and memorable visit to Europe – a fine balance between spending time with loved ones and old friends, revisiting a bit of the old country and getting to wallow in glorious antiquity in a part of the world that neither of us had known well.

As is the way of such things, on our return to BC we immediately started thinking about and planning further excursions, little knowing that – along with everyone else – our future travel plans would all have to be put on ice for an indeterminate and possibly indefinite period.

The Girl and I loved Athens and you can read the notes of a year ago and view the photos that I posted here and here.

Finally – a few more images from those taken in Athens:

Photo by Andy Dawson ReidPhoto by Andy Dawson ReidPhoto by Andy Dawson ReidPhoto by Andy Dawson ReidPhoto by Andy Dawson ReidPhoto by Andy Dawson ReidPhoto by Andy Dawson ReidPhoto by Andy Dawson Reid

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Photo by Andy Dawson ReidThis time last year we had just returned from the splendid trip to the UK and to Greece that I am re-living vicariously through the medium of this journal.

The timing of this particular post is really quite apposite because – having rounded off our splendid reunion with the UK and headed south to join our cruise ship for the first phase of our Greek visit – it was no longer possible for me to publish posts to the blog, on account of the paucity and cost of the Internet connections on board ship. As a result I unleashed a stream of such postings after we returned to Canada – starting with this one.

I had visited Greece once before, though that time to a different set of islands – the Dodecanese. This time we would be mostly in the Cyclades. For The Girl this would be a first visit to any part of Greece and neither of us had been to Athens – where we would spend a few days at the end of our cruise. Much, then, to look forward to.

Now – with regard to the cruise itself the postings that I made on our return were really quite comprehensive and laden with (if i say so myself) quite lovely photographs. If the Greek islands are of interest to you do take a look around. As for this post – well – I will do my best to dig out any interesting images that did not make the cut first time around. I know that I took plenty – so I am hopeful…

These images are from our visits to Santorini, to Heraklion and Knossos and to Ephesus:

Photo by Andy Dawson ReidPhoto by Andy Dawson ReidPhoto by Andy Dawson ReidPhoto by Andy Dawson ReidPhoto by Andy Dawson ReidPhoto by Andy Dawson ReidPhoto by Andy Dawson ReidPhoto by Andy Dawson ReidPhoto by Andy Dawson Reid

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Photo by Andy Dawson ReidHaving bid a fond farewell to my brother at the end of my second week (and The Girl’s first week) in the UK at around this time last year – and having at the same time reluctantly extracted ourselves from the slightly strange but delightful decadence of a mostly empty Oatland’s Park Hotel (for such it was, though I did not name it at the time), we set out on a short road trip to impose ourselves on the hospitality of lovely friends in Essex (Colchester), Kent (Sevenoaks) and Berkshire (Maidenhead).

A lesson that we learned from our trip as a whole – but from this segment in particular – was that though it was absolutely lovely to see again such a great number of those from whom we had been separated for at least the length of time that we had been resident in Canada… paying fleeting visits to them was never going to be enough.

Photo by Andy Dawson Reid

However generously and warmly we were received, entertained and generally spoiled rotten it was impossible not to feel that we had cheated these good folk out of the joys of our extended company. I say this not from any excess of ego on my (our!) part, but merely echoing the sentiments that they themselves repeatedly expressed (as well, of course, as our own feelings) at the point at which we had, reluctantly, to tear ourselves away and to move on to our next port of call.

I hope that my postings – then and now – have expressed adequately just how grateful we are for the amazing hospitality that we were shown by all concerned. Thank you.

Photo by Andy Dawson Reid


I looked back over the photos that I took on this part of the trip. I make a point – as any regular readers of these jottings will no doubt have noticed – of not uploading to the blog any pictures that identifiably include the people of whom I write (including myself, for which the gentle reader will be most grateful!). I do so as a point of principle; the matter concerning privacy. I extend my caution also to names and to other such detail. Not all bloggers adhere to such strictures. I do!

Sometimes however – as in this instance – I am as a result left a little short of interesting material with which to embellish my postings. In the case of our mini-tour I took photos of some of the lovely people with whom we stayed that must remain – and will remain – private.

Fortunately I, at least, get to look back at them…

Photo by Andy Dawson Reid

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If the first week of our epic jaunt to the UK and to Europe this time last year was all about me revisiting people and places that I had not seen for a goodly period – more than three decades in some cases – then the second week was about two things: visits with family and an opportunity for The Girl to catch up with those with whom she worked and played during her time in the UK.

Once we had enacted a joyful reunion at Heathrow airport (full details withheld to protect those of delicate sensibilities) The Girl and I boarded our hire car and navigated our way around the M25 to the town in which I grew up and where my brother still lives. It had been our intention to stay with him for the following week but as a result of the unforeseen circumstances detailed in this gripping blog episode we found ourselves rattling around a mostly empty grand hotel just down the road.

Photo by Andy Dawson ReidNow – as it turned out this worked out particularly well for a number of reasons and we owed a great deal to my brother both in terms of smart thinking and also of massive generosity on his part (for he footed the bill!). Kudos!

Not only was the hotel a very good base for our excursions into Berkshire, Buckinghamshire and other nearby haunts where The Girl (and I in appropriate cases) was reunited with some of those with whom she had worked and some with whom she had become good friends (to the great joy of all concerned) but staying in a place with a bar and lounge that was open to service all day meant that those who had not been able to attend other gatherings could call by and one or other (or both) of us could spend a happy hour or so catching up with all of the news and gossip from the previous half decade or more. I was delighted to make connections anew with others from my musical and theatrical past and – as was the case with all of those whom we met throughout our stay – I was overwhelmed by the expressions of joy and love with which we were bathed.

Photo by Andy Dawson ReidWith regard to family it was good to see my sister and brother again – though in both cases we have in the interim been fortunate enough to have had visits from them in Canada. My brother and his Lady in particular went out of their way to entertain us and to ensure that our visit was a success. There was dining and quaffing – a boat trip to Hampton Court – a visit to the Victoria & Albert Museum (with lunch in the Members’ Room!) and much more. In short – they treated us royally and we were most grateful.

Photo by Andy Dawson ReidWe were quite sorry to leave our grand hotel but the third part of our expedition was to take us on a road trip around some parts of southern England to stay with other old and dear friends. More on that next time!

Before I go – the image below is of my alma mater’s boathouse, the which is on the bank of the river Thames opposite Hampton Court Palace. It is named the R. C. Sherriff Boathouse after one of the School’s famous alumni. The playwright had been a great sportsman, had rowed for the School and subsequently raised funds for rowing both at the School and for the nearby Kingston Rowing Club. On his death in 1975 his house – Rosebriars – was sold and the monies from the sale put into a trust to help support the arts in the district. The youth theatre with which I was associated benefited from these funds during the 90’s, which enabled us to commission a writer to create a new play for the group.

Photo by Andy Dawson Reid

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“Oh, to be in England now that April ’s there
And whoever wakes in England sees, some morning, unaware,
That the lowest boughs and the brushwood sheaf
Round the elm-tree bole are in tiny leaf,
While the chaffinch sings on the orchard bough
In England—now!”

Robert Browning – “Home thoughts from abroad”

OK – well it wasn’t actually April. It was the middle of May, though, and the effect was similar.

Last year the Kickass Canada Girl and I returned to the UK for the first time since we moved to Canada back in 2015. We felt that it was time to revisit the land that had been her home for more than a decade – and mine since birth!

For operational reasons we traveled a week apart. She had work to do so I left a week ahead of her with the intention of catching up with family and old friends – and of visiting some old haunts. I had been nervous before we set off. What would it be like – going back? Would anyone really want to see us or would they just be polite? Would things have changed too much? Would it make me terribly homesick?

The big takeaway from the first phase of our travels was just how lovely it was to see everyone again – and how much they all appeared to want to see us. This was a deeply moving and life-affirming experience that is even now really quite difficult to put into words. We were very touched and most grateful for the hospitality, the care and the love that we were shown everywhere.

These were for me the highlights of that first week:

  • Staying with old friends who just could not do enough to make me feel welcome – for which many thanks!
  • Re-visiting the School at which I had last worked. It was good to see my chaps again and to be shown round the building developments that had been completed since I left. I was most touched, however, by the number of staff members who – seeing me around the place – just wanted to say ‘Hello‘, to see how we were doing and to have a chat. What might have been a couple of hours visit rapidly became twice that length.
  • Visits to two particular old friends whom I had not seen for quite a while even before we left for Canada. Good to re-connect.
  • A trip to the Worcestershire/Herefordshire borders to stay with Oldest Friend and his wife. I had not seen their new home there and it was good to take a few days to catch up – and to revisit such a lovely part of the country.
  • Perhaps the most affecting of all – the reunion of band members and youth theatre friends from back in the 70s. This was a complete joy, not only because it had been arranged as a surprise (I did not know who would be there) but also because those present were clearly so delighted to see each other again – let alone to see me. Connections were re-established between those who had not met each other for multiple decades (some of which have been maintained since our visit). The very great pleasure that this gathering garnered was reflected later in our visit as I had the chance to re-meet further music and youth theatre friends from years gone by. More about that next time.

Finally, I should say that – though we are most fortunate in that we live in a beautiful part of the world and, of course, many other countries have their own particular attractions – there is something particularly Arcadian about the English countryside.  It was wonderful to be able to indulge in its joys once more. Herewith a few panoramas that attempt to capture that flavour. Double-click for a closer look…

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Back near the beginning of the COVID-19 crisis I wrote a post (pleasantly entitled ‘Make Yourself Happy‘ – fortunately without an exclamation mark) in which I reported on one of the UK national newspaper’s re-posting to their digital site of the ‘live’ minute by minute’ commentary of a favourite footie fixture from some point in the (middle)-distant past (1971 as I recall) – a notion that has, I observe, since been picked up and run with by all and sundry. My observations may have been ‘voiced’ in a tone that the casual reader – someone who doesn’t know me better – might have mistaken for cynicism (Who, me? Never!).

The problem that the broadsheet had accurately and most presciently identified is, of course, that during an extended lock-down – in which none of the usual newsworthy happenings – er… happens – there is nothing much left about which to write – apart from the wretched pandemic itself.

By now even the less fleet-footed amongst the gentle readers of these ramblings will already have figured out where this is going…

Yes – apart from gardening and… um!… well, that’s about it – there is not too much else to write about when one’s existence has been shrunk from our usual mad gay whirl to a really rather limited routine. I am not – of course – complaining. One is – after all – a long time de*d!

So – in the spirit of The Guardian’s enterprising sports editor I intend to replay coverage – in ‘real time‘ – of our legendary trip to the UK and Europe of this time last year (observe the date on the luggage tag in the accompanying photo). I will be revisiting – virtually – some of the places to which we went and some of the friends and family with whom we spent time a year ago. I will also, of course, be revisiting – somewhat wistfully – the Greek islands. Look out for the posting of some of the photos that didn’t make the cut first time round.

Of course, the whole point about keeping a regular blog is that one has an enduring record of what one did in previous years – and of when one did it. As this is all (somewhat rashly) available publicly (as it were) there is nothing to stop the gentle reader from glancing back through the archives to view the postings from a year ago. What I will be doing, however, is looking back through my rose-tinted spectacles with the 20/20 benefit of hindsight.

One of the first observations to make is how jolly lucky we were to have finally settled on traveling last year. Who knows when we might be able to do so again…

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