A second walk in two days – during what I gather is now called ‘Twixtmas’… Who knew? (well – those who pointed it out to me, clearly!).
This expedition was to somewhere that we have driven within a few hundred yards of on many occasions (on the way to Costco; to the Rugby Centre of Excellence at Westhills; on our way up island) but to which we have not actually been for some considerable time (or indeed ‘ever’ in my case!).
This is Thetis Lake – and very gorgeous it is too, as I hope you will agree…
Last year on Christmas Day The Girl and I took a constitutional upon Island View Beach which was blessed with pleasant sunshine and a mild temperature. This year the weather was less obliging but a visit to the same locale proved efficacious in blowing away the cobwebs that always seem to set in at around the halfway point.
As with the weather the images that I snapped are less dramatic than were those of last year, but I offer them none the less:
The Red Arrows – the RAF’s display team – have been on an eleven week tour of north America. The trip included only two excursions north of the border, so yesterday’s brief appearance in British Columbia was all the more welcome.
Whilst not performing a full aerobatic display the team were scheduled to perform a number of passes yesterday over Vancouver as well as making a two day ground visit.
As a precursor to the Vancouver flypast the Red Arrows carried out a single pass over Victoria’s Inner Harbour and Parliament Building. Given that it can take them only about five minutes to get from Victoria to Vancouver there is no doubt that they were well into the second part of their jaunt whilst those watching in Victoria were still wondering if they were coming back.
Indeed, the brief nature of the event would in normal circumstances have put us off driving the twelve miles or so into the city. Yesterday, however, we had an engagement downtown anyway, so we went a little early and found a spot by the Inner Harbour to watch the spectacle.
I have seen TV coverage of the Red Arrows many times on a variety of ceremonial occasions but never actually encountered them in the flesh – so to speak. I don’t know quite what I was expecting but I was taken completely by surprise by a sudden involuntary lump in the throat as they soared over the city, trailing the red, white and blue plumes for which they are well known. Those who have had similar experiences will be very aware of the power and efficacy of this strangely arcane form of ritual.
Some might think that such displays are out of place in this troubled and restless new world. I am an old fart, however, and I say long may such spectacles continue.
…and talking of the Brentwood bay ‘Music in the Park’ (see last post)…
One of the things that has impressed us most since our arrival in Greater Victoria is the strength, variety and high standard of the local music scene. These posts have already been sprinkled generously with glowing reports of musical experiences that we have enjoyed hereabouts.
Our local ‘Music in the Park’ has played a healthy role in the provision of such new experiences, which – considering that it is an entirely free event that runs weekly throughout July and August each year – is a truly wonderful blessing. Yet again we acknowledge that we are extremely lucky folks.
The gentle reader – being no slouch – will by now have figured out that I am about to wax lyrical concerning some new musical ‘combo’ hitherforeto unknown outside these parts…
…and he or she would not be wrong!
On Wednesday a couple of weeks back I observed that that night’s entertainment was to be provided by an outfit called ‘The Fugitives’. The InterWebNet informed me that they are:
“…a Canadian Folk music group formed in 2004 in Vancouver….
…Fans and critics find the group difficult to classify—they have been categorized as slam folk, folk hop, and spoken word cabaret. The Georgia Straight called The Fugitives “wildly talented spoken-word artists”.“
This all sounded interesting, as did the description of their last album as being:
“…an album of dedications – the majority of which were written for people the band has never said a word to.”
Eager now to hear this fascinating music I followed a link to a live recording of their song – ‘No Words‘ – dedicated after his death to Leonard Cohen. This proved to be a mighty song and I was instantly hooked. In the belief that others might feel the same I do recommend having a look. Listen all the way through…
If the vocal breakout doesn’t send shivers up your spine then I fear for your medical condition!
It hardly need be said that the group – playing as a four piece that night – were excellent and that their harmony work was exceptional. The two leaders – Adrian Glynn and Brendan McLeod – are both gifted songwriters and I for one was grateful all over again for having been introduced to another as yet unknown (to me, anyway!) talent.
Should the gentle reader also be interested here be their website:
Well – I have posted a good number of missives since we returned to Canada in June – most of which concerned our recent trip to Europe. As a result I have been somewhat guilty of late of neglecting to keep the gentle reader up to date with the summer’s going on here at the southern end of Vancouver Island.
Time to catch up!
Weather-wise this has been a mixed summer thus far. There have been good days and there have been overcast, chilly days. There has not been much rain, however, so the garden has needed help.
I really liked this ‘end of the rainbow’…
Nothing has deterred us from lunching at ‘The Farmer’s Daughter’ – where they do a splendid plate of charcuterie and a decent variety of wine flights:
…or indeed from walking in Centennial Park:
We have also been regular attendees – as ever – at the Brentwood Bay ‘Music in the Park’ on Wednesday evenings and – though the temperatures have occasionally been on the nippy side and the winds blustered more than strictly necessary – we have enjoyed ourselves.
Note the detail from above. No sense in wasting good spinning time!
We had – the gentle reader may recall – our first smattering of snow here in Victoria this year on around February 6th. This was just a taster for what was to come over the following period and by February 12th we had experienced what was confidently declared a ‘once every half decade’ level of snowfall.
Should the aforesaid benign bibliomaniac wish to refresh his or her memory as to what that all looked like – then you need go no further than this snow covered post.
And that was pretty much that – at least with regards to the descent of frozen precipitation.
The temperature – however – remained rooted on the lower part of the scale and, as far as the snow that had already fallen was concerned, it stayed pretty much where it had landed.
Now as of today – March 10th – we hear that this week (finally!) – the temperature is likely to rise for the first time since the start of February into double digits!… which means that the remains of the snowdrifts should finally disappear. The small patch of snow in the accompanying image is the very last that remains on our little estate here in North Saanich and I confidently predict that it will be gone within a day or so.
Unfortunately this will mean that I must needs get out and start clearing up the debris that the winter storms have left behind. I spent a couple of hours in our back garden yesterday and it was a far from painless experience.
A couple of weekends ago we were fortunate enough to be invited by splendid friends of ours to dine with them at The Union Club in Victoria.
Those native to Victoria will – of course – know of The Union Club. It is – as their website describes it:
“A landmark institution in the heart of downtown Victoria, with an imposing neo-Georgian design inspired by the classic clubs of London.”
The club’s position adjacent to The Empress hotel facing the Inner Harbour is a prime location and – as you can see from the photo galleries that grace the club’s website – the building and facilities do not let it down. Those who know The Girl and I will not be the slightest bit surprised that the whole ambience appeals to us enormously.
Much as I have cast envious glances in its direction many times, however, I have always felt somewhat guilty about my attraction to the place. The whole institution feels somehow redolent of privilege and entitlement, which sits rather uncomfortably with my left of centre inclinations. Friends and acquaintances will scoff at these sudden scruples, pointing out that I worked at several extremely ‘posh’ boys schools in the UK and lived in a Georgian Manor (part-of anyway).
I suppose that a component of this ambivalence comes down to the belief that to belong to such an organisation requires contacts in the right places and a fair bit of cash. Except that it doesn’t! Union Club membership is surprisingly good value, the restaurant is by no means expensive and staying in the club’s most pleasant rooms is considerably cheaper than doing so at The Empress next door. Membership of the club also rewards one with significant benefits such as attractive rates at affiliate clubs in other countries – such as the RAC in London, or Stoke Park in our old stamping ground in Buckinghamshire.
Not that I am thinking about applying for membership…
…well – maybe not anytime soon! Hmmm!
Still – it was a very good dinner and a splendid evening with our dear friends. After dinner they gave us a tour of the club and it’s facilities. We were heartily impressed…
Experiencing this level of snowfall in Victoria is pretty unusual. CTV News reports thus:
“After another 23 centimetres fell on B.C.’s capital Monday in a coastal snowstorm, Environment Canada confirmed the region has seen more snow this month than any February since records began in 1941.”
Even on our little plot I can attest that the snow levels are up to the top of one’s Hunter wellies (and sometimes beyond) – in places drifting several feet and more deep!
Now, inhabitants of other parts of Canada – some of them not very far away – have a jolly good laugh at Victoria’s expense when it comes to the City’s inability to process even mild amounts of snowfall. Boy, are they chuckling now! We would naturally point out that we have plenty of other things on which to waste our tax dollars rather than investing in expensive snow-clearing machinery that would sit idle in its garage four years out of every five.
No matter.
These photos show how the snow built up over the last few days:
I am trying to keep up a constant supply of unfrozen nectar for these little fellers:
The good ship ‘Dignity‘ handles well in most weathers, but this goes well beyond her design capabilities:
Turns out that – following my last post on the subject of Arctic Outflows – there is much more to say on the subject of the weather. The ‘event‘ (meaning as far as I can tell ‘stuff out of the ordinary‘) referred to in that post is still ongoing, but here is the tale thus far.
On Friday we had our first dusting of snow – merely a taster as it turned out – and the first day of high winds. The forecast for the weekend promised more serious snow to come and The Girl advised me (to no resistance at all on my part) that I should try to get the snow tyres fitted to the Lexus. This I duly did and it turned out to be a really smart move.
On the Saturday our power was out for a couple of hours in the morning but we were – as so often – amongst the lucky ones; others lost power for more than twenty four hours!
Come Sunday afternoon the serious snow set in and everything started to disappear under a proper blanket of white. Another snow storm swept across Greater Victoria on Monday and a third this morning (Tuesday). The forecast looks more promising for the second part of the week, but there is a lot of snow on the ground (and on everything else) which I can’t see disappearing any time soon.
So – here are a whole bunch of snow pictures. We don’t get that much of it here so it is a source of serious fascination.
Back in the good old UK understanding the weather used to be straightforward… or at least so it seemed when ‘I were a nipper’. It rained (a lot) or the sun shone (no – honestly, it did!). The most technically complex weather situation with which one might be faced was an Occluded Front – and no-one bar the swotty people even pretended to know what one of those was.
But here I am – new continent – new weather! And at this time of life too…
So – over ‘t’other side’ of the nation there was recently a lot of snowy unpleasantness caused by a Polar Vortex. When that (whatever it might be) trundled away to the west (towards us, in other words) we were apparently to be subjected to an Arctic Outflow. I guess we do things differently on this coast.
Anyway – it turns out that this meant a whole shed-load of snow, followed by a couple of days of violent winds from the north. Hmmm! Nasty!
This is what it looked like:
The good ship ‘Dignity‘ was happy to be safely tucked away down the side of our house…
…and with the forecast for the next week or so suggesting more of the same it seemed to be a good idea to get the winter tyres re-installed on the Lexus.
Apparently they like a bit of an outing once a year!
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