I have – as I did at this time last year – taken a week off work to recuperate from the rigours of the academic year which has just recently run its course.
Thus far – apart from running a few errands – I have done little of note… some barely consequential musical doodling and a pleasant walk when the gaps in the showery weather permitted. This is not a problem – however – the aim not being to achieve much beyond catching up on some sleep and getting myself back into my normal positive frame of mind.
I’m still working on that!
On one of my walks I took some snaps, none of which I particularly cared for with the exception of that appended here – an old tractor put out to pasture in the corner of a bosky meadow.
No need – I think – to dwell too heavily on the symbolism therein.
Work has – of late – been particularly bloody for us both. In my case there are things going on at the School that I do not much care for. I am all too aware that my disgruntlement is in no small part because I now long to be gone over the hills and far away – and that were it not so I would probably embrace the changes in a considerably more positive manner. It is nearly two years now since I first wrote on this blog – “I’m done“… Well – I am even more done now!
This is the waiting game – the hiatus in our onward march of progress – the lacuna in our strategic thinking.
My request for Canadian PR has been submitted – now we wait…
Our Buckinghamshire apartment hangs on the property market like a ripe fruit, waiting to be plucked – and now we wait…
Our pension projections – courtesy of the Kickass Canada Girl’s financial advisor cousin – glitter temptingly just out of reach – and we wait…
The girl and I both feel that we have achieved in our careers all that we wish or need to do. Nothing left to prove.
And now we await…
…the starting gun…
…the breaking of the storm…
…the moon on a stick!
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